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Kiss of the Sun Page 5
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Page 5
She grabbed her hair by the fistful. Squeezing and pulling. The pain threatened to explode all throughout her body.
"Makeitstop. Makeitstop. Makeitstop!” she screamed into the room. Her body curled into a fetal position. Tighter and tighter she curled her slim body knowing this was the pain she had put Darius through time and again.
More intense images flowed in with the old she had locked away. She screamed again as her mind split in half with pain. Rosalind could not tell if the screaming was herself or only her imagination. Her body throbbed with tension as she lost control of her levitation. Her body lifted, the room shook with her uncontrollable hysteria.
It took everything inside Roman to withstand the shock of Rosalind's pain. “Darius!” he shouted above the shrieking wind blowing around the room. Yet another shock for the vampire race, a mortal with elemental power. A power she, fortunately, seemed to be unaware of. “Darius, save Rosalind before she kills herself and everyone in this mansion!” Roman ordered.
Darius jerked from the bed, his fangs bared as he took in everything occurring inside the room. He barely ducked in time as his antique dresser smashed into the wall behind him. The impact was so severe it shattered to the floor.
He looked at the bed and saw Rosalind, her long blond hair flowing around her face. His mind was completely empty of pain and suffering. “Why?” he asked as he pulled her body down and into his arms.
"The link must be made again, this time with her full knowledge. So that she knows the consequences of her actions."
"What gives you the right to decide our fate?"
"You do, my King.” Roman moved to the side as a mirror crashed over his shoulder.
Darius smoothed his hand down Rosalind's cheek. Her eyes were open but she was not aware. “She is in shock, Roman."
"How is she capable of this?” Roman threw up his hands in frustration.
"She is powerful. Too powerful for a mortal to handle.” Darius said sadly.
"Then you need to..."
"Do not assume you can tell me what I need to do, Roman. I respect our friendship, but this is between Rosalind and me.” Darius ordered his second. Rosalind was slowly lowering back to the bed. The shattered furniture fell to the ground and the wind died down.
"Go, Roman,” he ordered without taking his eyes off of Rosalind. “Make sure no one was injured."
Roman hesitated. “Darius?"
"Please, Roman. Leave us."
Darius did not hear as the door quietly shut behind Roman's exit. “Rosalind, I need you to wake up.” He gently placed one hand on her forehead and the other over her heart. He willed his strength through her body, using his energy to temporarily block her telepathy from bringing her the Touch.
Her eyes fluttered weakly as she smiled. “I knew it would work."
He tightened his hold on her and was surprised when she willingly embraced him in return. “Rosalind,” he whispered tenderly.
"It's gone, Darius. How can that be?” she spoke with wonder.
"It's only temporary, Rosalind. We need to correct our link so that I can help you learn how to really block outside interference."
Her hands shook as she jerked away from Darius, although it was the last thing she wanted. To be near him was what she had always wanted. “No, Darius.” She stood unsteadily and looked around in shock at the destruction she knew was her fault. With a wave of her hand she pushed the debris into a corner to be disposed of later. “I won't reestablish the link with you."
Darius tried to hide his dismay. “You need the link, Rosalind, to survive.” For me to survive. “The last time you went anywhere near mortals you nearly destroyed ten miles of my city."
"The first time I went near mortals had a bad outcome. I won't deny that. But you and the Historians did not give me a chance to control my powers on my own. I want that chance, Darius.” She was vehement in her decision.
"The link will keep the pain away."
"You mean you will keep the pain away. I won't be connected like that with you again. Neither of us deserves it.” When he looked ready to argue she interrupted, “I. Will. Not. Link. With. You."
"Yes, you will.” He said with a confidence he did not feel.
"We both know what the link is a sign of, Darius. And I will know just how much you want that."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
She looked at him in disbelief. “I am your Chosen Mate."
He flinched at her words.
"Yes,” she mocked him. “I know how demeaning it is to you. For the King of your kind to be mated with a mortal. So do me a favor and cut the bullshit.” She looked at him with real contempt. Her heart twisted inside at her own words.
"You believe that to be truth?” His words were solemn, without hope.
"Wrong, Darius.” She did not hide her tears, “I know it to be truth. I've known since I was seventeen and you sent me away."
"I thought that was what you wanted, Rosalind."
"What I wanted!” she shouted. “All I have ever wanted was for you to accept me."
"I do accept you!"
"Not the way I want you to. I am your Chosen Mate. Your one chance at real love. Your only chance to ever be a father, and you would rather be alone for eternity than be with me.” Her tears fell as she turned away from him, hiding how much this was killing her.
"That isn't true!” he shouted back. Darius leaped over the large bed and stalked to her. He wrapped his arms tightly around her slim body. “I never meant for you to feel this way, baby. But there are things that don't make this easy."
She tried to pull away but he would not let her. Rosalind laughed bitterly. “What things?” She tried to keep her voice cold, indifferent. But once again he was raising her hopes only, she knew from experience, to dash them later on.
He tried to start from the beginning. “I sent you away from the population to give you peace. I knew it was the mortals who caused your telepathy to go berserk."
"Explain why you sent me away when I was seventeen."
"Shit, Roz. You had just been beaten by that jealous bitch, Marsha. If you were not in my house you weren't in danger."
"That is a load of bull, Darius. You are the King. All of Vampire City is under your command. Try again."
He looked at her, wondering if now she could accept the truth of being a King's mate. “I didn't want to change a seventeen-year-old girl."
Darius smiled fondly. He couldn't help but give her a nip on the neck. “Sometimes, my dear Rosalind, your age reveals itself.” He felt her shiver. “Change, Rosalind, is to turn a mortal into a vampire.” He felt her tense and continued. “To live for eternity. To drink blood for survival. To watch your close ones die of old age while you stay young and beautiful."
"Change,” she whispered dully as she slumped fully into Darius’ waiting arms.
Darius slipped one strong arm under her legs and cradled her to his chest. “I know, baby. Not such a simple choice now, is it?” There was sad acceptance in his tone now. He had yet to even begin talking about the duties of being the Queen. For that is what his mate would be. His Queen.
"I don't ... I hadn't thought..."
He put a finger against her trembling lips as he deposited her on the bed. “We'll discuss this when you are at full strength, little one. Right now I will begin teaching you how to separate your telepathy from the touch."
Fear clung to her. “Darius, the link..."
"Will always be a part of us. It is too late for anything else. But it is up to us what to do next.” She had so much to learn. The link would grow stronger whether they willed it or not. Being mated was not a choice.
"Thank you, Darius."
"You do realize we have our work cut out for us?"
Rosalind smiled and wrapped her arms securely around his neck. “Come here,” she whispered.
"Don't do this to me, Roz.” He came down to her anyway. He knew what she wanted.
"You don't reje
ct me?"
"I never rejected you, baby. It was the circumstances...” He trailed off, knowing that they now had plenty of time to work their trouble out.
"Circumstances are better than rejection any day, Darius. Now kiss me."
This time Darius did not resist her pull. He willingly met her lips with reverence. He nipped her upper lip before sucking her full lower one between his teeth. Rosalind moaned in delight. Her knees bent to press against his hips. At her squeezing he groaned his agreement. “My Kingdom, you are lovely,” he muttered before thrusting his tongue past her smile.
Their tongues danced. She grabbed the hem of his shirt to reach the skin beneath. He was desperate for her touch. She squeezed his hips, her tongue forging its way to his waiting mouth.
At the taste of her his fangs lengthened, wanting a taste in return. “I'm sorry,” he whispered. He raised his head so she could see the results of their play. “It is an urge I cannot control when I am this..."
"Horny,” she said playfully.
"I would have used a better term but yes, horny."
"What?” he questioned in disbelief.
"I want to see you as you really are."
In that moment Darius knew he would do anything for this woman. He placed a hand on either side of her head and lifted himself up off of her. Only from the hips down did they touch. That alone was enough to make their bodies shiver for more.
"Come on."
Darius gazed into her eyes and could see only curiosity to know his vampire self. He smiled for her, keeping his fangs fully extended so she would know only the truth.
Rosalind looked her fill. His normally black eyes glowed bright red and his fangs had grown at least half an inch. “You are still hot,” she told him.
Darius rolled his eyes and he felt the vampire in him withdraw. “I will never understand you."
"You are not supposed to, Darius.” She smiled up at him. She moved so that her body rested on her elbows behind her.
Darius locked his arms in place so that he did not collapse. “What are you up to?"
Rosalind leaned forward until she could feel the heat coming from his body. The muscles in his neck tightened when she gave a light caress to his tender skin with her tongue. He tasted of salt and man.
Her man.
Hers to do with as she pleased. Using her own power now Rosalind kept herself afloat so that her hands were free to explore. One small slide of her hand down his stomach had him shaking with anticipation. Playing with his body as she wanted Rosalind bit into his neck. Knowing what such an act would do to him. Her teeth were not sharp like a vampire so she did not break the skin but the mark she knew appeared would show all that he was hers now.
Darius fell to the bed. Covering her body completely. The only thing that separated them was their clothes. “Are you trying to torture me?” he locked her arms above her head.
Rosalind purred as she felt his strength holding her in place. Even with her powers she would never be able to break his hold.
Darius nipped her ear with his fang. “Why would you want to, little one?” he whispered down her neck. His tongue gliding slowly down the column until he could feel her racing heart through the tender skin.
"Oh dear!” she arched her body into his. Their heat mixing dangerously in the air. She could feel every touch of him as he kissed down her neck. Nipped at her shoulder. Never once biting through her skin. “Darius?” she protested weakly.
Darius squeezed his hands around her wrists in warning. “Stay their.” He demanded before releasing her. Raising to his knees Darius brought her knees up to his waist. He smiled wickedly. “I do love it when you wear skirts.” Her thighs lay open. Giving him the perfect view of her throbbing clit through her lace panties.
Rosalind opened her eyes to see her vampire towering over her submissive form. He held her knees to his sides. Keeping her from blocking his view of her pussy. He only stared, fixated on her body. He didn't touch her. She burned for his touch. His kiss. His bite. Taking matters into her own hands Rosalind pulled her legs from his grasp and widened them as far as she could. She could feel the cool air whispering across her exposed flesh. Her panties were not made to stretch with her body.
Rosalind heard his hiss and smiled when his beautiful eyes flashed to passionate red. She loved it when he could not control his reaction to her. “What are you waiting on?” She rubbed her bare foot down his smooth rib cage. Feeling his body pulse at the touch.
Darius willed his body to cool down. His hunger for her would take them too close to the edge and neither was ready for that to happen yet. So instead of answering her he lifted the marauding leg until it stretched to the ceiling. He heard her muffled laughter change to a groan of unexpected torture as he slid his tongue down the back of her knee. She jerked in response. Darius heard a thump but ignored it.
Adjusting his body he slowly kissed his way up her thigh. Working his way lazily to his prize. Darius had to grab her other leg to stop the sudden shaking her desire was causing. “Doing okay, baby?” he teased her inner thigh with his teeth. Slowly sucking until his own mark appeared on her pale skin.
Rosalind arched off of the bed when she felt his fists close around either side of her panties. “Oh dear.” She mumbled.
With one jerk Darius tore the fragile cloth from her body. Had he known she had waxed her pussy for him he never would have taken his time undressing her. Darius fell to his stomach between her quivering legs. When she tried to open them impossibly wider for him he smiled softly. Lowering his head he nibbled at her belly button. Gently thrusting his tongue into the small hole.
"How long are you going to torture me?” she wondered aloud.
Darius slipped his hands under her body until her cool ass lay cupped in his palms. He squeezed forcefully. “As long as I wish."
He body writhed under his touch as his fingers teased at her puckered ass. She jerked in surprise. “Don't you dare."
"At least not yet.” Darius laughed as he continued on. Though her arousal was strong his fingers skimmed over her puckered anus. Knowing that she would not be ready for such a penetration for quite a while.
Darius fingers glided easily through her wet folds. Hissing at his first feel of her warmth. She was so wet for him he could fuck her right now and there would be no pain. No resistance from her. His finger circled her hole. Rubbing at her clit until her body was so out of control she broke from his mental hold to clutch desperately at his sweaty shoulders.
When his finger penetrated her tight pussy Darius felt her nails pierce his skin in return. The pleasure of her mark nearly undid him but the sound of crashing had him covering her body in protection. “What the hell?” he looked around and saw the bedroom door laying in shattered pieced.
Rosalind finally opened her eyes and saw the door. “Oops.” She mumbled sheepishly.
Darius buried his nose into her neck. Breathing in her magnificent scent. “Training.” He mumbled breathlessly. “We need to start your training."
Two months later
Darius watched from his perch on the high window as Rosalind stood stargazing on his roof. He did not look up to see what held her interest. In four thousand years he had seen all the star constellations there were to see. He had already forgotten their simple beauty, He smiled to himself. Maybe, one day, he could show Rosalind how to identify those stars.
It has been two months since he began teaching Rosalind how to control her powers. Two months of trial and error—flying dressers, doors bursting from their hinges. It was even worse when Rosalind lost her control and the emotions overpowered her mind.
Darius would help her, but there was still only so far she would let him go when it came to their link. He never realized how much her withdrawal would hurt him.
He tried occasionally, despite her denial, to strengthen their connection. Darius never felt so alone than when she firmly closed her thoughts and feelings to him. He could no
longer feel her unconscious touch. Never had he known a vampire with a human mate who could fully close the link. Humans never had her power. She could not know what her denial did to him, physically and mentally. He would not tell her, either. Conflicts were expected between mating couples, especially in the beginning. Besides, how many humans were fated to be with a vampire?
The only positive side to having Rosalind back was she allowed him to be her friend. She talked to him about everything and nothing. They walked the roof in the quiet night when he had no duties to attend to.
She let him touch her. A graze on her shoulder, a touch to her neck. He smiled to himself. She shivered the most when he touched the tender column.
Their kisses were not as intense as their first one. They had both withdrawn from one another when Rosalind realized that if she wanted to be a true mate to Darius he would have to change her.
Rosalind had never thought of her mortality before. She always knew Darius was four thousand, twenty-four years old, but now he could see the fear in her eyes when they spoke of a possible future. A future neither one was able to fully embrace.
Darius turned back into his private rooms. He closed his mind to her solemn image as she looked across the night sky. It was time to get back to his people.
* * * *
"The Outcasts are making noise again near the western borders.” Roman sat straight on Darius’ couch and watched as his King brought himself back under control.
"Have they crossed into the city?"
Roman laughed coldly. “They never do, Darius. He only wants to distract you into leaving the inner city."
Darius did not have to ask who ‘he’ was. The western borders were popular with outcasts faithful to Vee, a two thousand-year-old vampire with more pride than brains. Darius could well remember why the boy had been banished within eight centuries of being a vampire. “You would think, once being a mortal himself, he would have more respect for them.” Darius responded absently.
"You know Vee. He always wanted better things."